Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fearing God

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fearing God
Do you ever fear God? In my early morning ponderings, with over an hour to myself to pray, think and consider life, my thoughts come back to where I am with God. I find myself fearful to come into his presence at times. Fearful that He really sees through the games that I play with myself and others. Fearful that I cannot fool Him. Fearful that I might hear something that I don't want to hear, something that I have so brilliantly justified and made excuses for in my life. But, when I do come near, there He is. Open arms. Beckoning me to love the me I hide and just rest in Him. Remembering again that it is by His grace that I am able to do any of the things that He Himself has called me to in the first place. Why do I insist on running away, rather than running immediately to my Heavenly Father?