Sunday, October 25, 2009


As part of a fallen world, pain is inevitable. Our bodies begin dying from the day we are born. I have not missed my share of it. For the past nearly 10 years, and especially the past few months, pain has longed to rule my life. I am not one to take much for medicine, so rarely give in to pain killers. I am also not one much to stop, so it takes a lot to send me back to bed. But as of late it has been wearing on me pretty hard. I was complaining to God about it the other day. Acknowledging the fact that He has a plan in allowing all of this in my life, asking Him to allow me to endure it for that reason, then whining to Him that He had never had to endure something like this the days that He walked the earth. So clearly his response came back to me, "Terri, did you ever have to hang on a cross by nails through your hands?". I humbly bowed in repentance and adoration again for my Saviour, and again longed for heaven; to be with Him and rejoice again that when we are there these broken vessels we live in will no longer be broken, but beautiful and perfect as He first intended.