Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Writing on the Wall

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Writing on the Wall
, or another title "What do we expect out of Jesus?". The Dairy sent Rob on a week long trip to Madison to represent them at the World Dairy Expo and budgeted in a weeks vacation for me too. Unfortunately they would not cover the expenses for the kids, which means I have to endure a week of quiet, reading, shopping, eating out, and swimming all by myself. I am missing the little buggers tho:) Which brings me to my point...

On the wall of the bathroom in the Goodwill store there was a long lamenting from a 13 year old girl about how horrible her life was and therefor there was no God. In the course of time several responses were wrote back, and it has made me ponder for 2 days just what do we expect of Jesus? Cotton candy and pony rides? I can't find in my Bible any evidence for that. It has burdened my heart, and caused me to pray for this young lady that God would reveal the true Him to her, and send somebody into her life to show her the truths of who He is. I also have pondered just what kind of response I would give her.

As a young Christian we do tend to see God for what He can give us... the power, the gifts, the joy. But in the midst of the long haul of the trials of this world He becomes so much more. Our rock, our hope, our salvation. The truth amongst confusing beliefs. But ultimately He is our Savior. Our atoning sacrifice between us and God. He never offered us the cotton candy and pony rides, only Himself.

There is not much logic in thinking that things are bad, therefor there is no God. I might just go back and write on the wall myself. Wait, is that illegal??!!