Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hebrews 4:12

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.It seems to me that I have been doing a lot more physical work around here than mental work. With the beautiful spring weather, and all these projects that I've been dreaming of all winter, my energy has been focused on accomplishing so many things. My body is in great protest, but I am so thrilled with seeing these things come into fruition.

But the Holy Spirit continues to impress upon me the need to get back into our Bible reading. Life has consumed us again with it's busyness. I have been reading snippets of my Bible as I can, but we have not been faithful to our family time together. About everyday we say we need to do it, but fall short of sitting down and actually reading the word for the past week.It is so important to me to ground our children (and myself) in God's word. As I look around I see so many "christians" and churches that are not grounded in the Word. So many that do not take seriously the study of scripture, and the daily immersion in it. Scripture is, for the time being, the only revelation of God that we have.

One day we will see Him fully, and for eternity God will reveal Himself fully, but for today He has left His word. If we don't read it it would be like receiving letters from a lover at war, but never bothering to open and read them.Hebrews says that the word of God is living and active. It is the Holy Spirit moving through conviction, encouragement, giving hope, etc., from God.

Scripture is the measuring rod that we use against everything else we come across to see if it is true to God. If we don't know Scripture, what do we have to measure with? We are called to be obedient. If we don't know God and what His word says, what can we be obedient to? As James says, we are tossed around like waves in the ocean, if we don't have a solid foundation. Every whim that comes along proclaiming to be prophecy and the word of God will be accepted unless we know what God has said.This double-edged sword penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit.

There are so many instances in my life that God has used His word to make me firm in Him. As my will and desires longed to rule in a way that was opposed to God, His Word led me back time and again to Him. Helping me stay the course when I wanted to give in to my own sins. Submission to my husband was a huge battle for me years ago (and still is some days) as I first started to understand God's plan in it. As I repeated over and over again, "And His way's are not burdensome." "Wives, submit to your husband.", I was able to become obedient not only in actions but in spirit as well, and have since been able to see God's master plan even in this foreign command.

God's word will not disappear. Not a single dot of an "I" will be lost. He gave us exactly what He wants us to have of it for the time being. How I long to see his followers steeped in it; to stand firm in it.