Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our Non-Judgemental Jesus

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our Non-Judgemental Jesus
Warning! Get your coffee first!Luke 11:29-54We like to wrap Jesus up in our own idealistic image of who He was. One common theory being the fluffy, lovey-dovey Jesus, who would never hurt a fly, let alone dare to judge anybody. This theory works until you read any short length of the 4 gospel accounts. Soon you come across verses like these:"This is a wicked generation""The Queen on the South (Sheba) will rise at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them.""..inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people!"" neglect justice and the love of God."-JesusOuch!! That blows that whole theory out of the water! Jesus really did care how people lived, and still cares today. There were a few rules given a couple of thousand years before He came, and He really expected these people to follow them. God wasn't kidding!Jesus was gentle with those who needed Him to be gentle, but there was no sympathy for the unrepenting. He was very clear that there would be judgment to come for what we do. Sin does need atonement. There is only one way to heaven. Satan would love for us to believe otherwise, that there is no Hell, no judgement, no Satan. What struck me was that even other generations and nations would rise up in judgement against this generation for denying who Jesus was.His Word will stand for eternity. Not one dot of an "i" will be lost. He came the first time to bring salvation through His blood on the cross. The next time will be for judgement. He's coming back. People get ready!